CST310: Computer Graphics and Imaging
This course is an exploration into computer graphics and imaging. Delve into fundamental concepts like basic raster and vector graphics, scan conversion algorithms for lines, circles, and ellipses, and various filling techniques. Uncover the secrets of geometrical transformations, including 2D and 3D transformations, homogeneous coordinates, and matrix representation. The syllabus also covers projections, visible surface determination, illumination and shading models, and the mathematics behind planar geometric projections. Gain hands-on experience in implementing these concepts through a variety of algorithms, including z-buffer, list priority, scan line, area subdivision, and ray tracing. Additionally, discover the magic of curves with parametric cubic curves, Hermite, Bezier, and Bspline curves. This course equips you with a comprehensive understanding of computer graphics principles and their practical applications.
Course Instructor:
Contact: sadbhawnathakur [at] gmail [dot] com